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ABB Lummus Global Inc. Asbestos Personal Injury Trust

You may be entitled to receive compensation if you or a loved one was diagnosed with mesothelioma, lung cancer or another asbestos-related illness after working for or being exposed to products made by ABB Lummus Global Inc. Approximately $15 million is still available in the company’s asbestos trust fund to pay victims of asbestos exposure.

Find out if you qualify for compensation from the ABB Lummus Global Inc. Asbestos Personal Injury Trust during a free case consultation with an attorney at Bailey & Glasser, LLP when you contact us.

What Are the Risks of Asbestos-Containing Products?

Asbestos is a group of six silicate minerals that were used as a popular additive and ingredient in construction and building materials and various consumer products throughout the 1900s. All six types of asbestos were confirmed to be carcinogenic by the International Agency for Research on Cancer in 1987, at which point companies were required by law to stop including asbestos in their manufacturing materials. Unfortunately, asbestos safety regulations came too late for thousands of victims.

Exposure to asbestos is connected to serious health problems, including an aggressive and deadly form of cancer known as mesothelioma. Asbestos can cause cancer when the mineral particles are inhaled or ingested and become lodged inside the body. Once there, they can remain for many years – slowly causing irritation, inflammation and scar tissue that can ultimately result in asbestos-related illnesses. The average latency period, or amount of time between an individual’s exposure to asbestos and the development of mesothelioma, ranges from 20-60+ years.

ABB Lummus Global Inc.’s History of Asbestos-Containing Industrial Products

ABB Lummus Global Inc. was formed in 1988 when two companies (ASEA and Boveri & Cie) merged. ASEA was best known for manufacturing electrical equipment, while Boveri & Cie was a group of electrical engineering companies. Together, they formed ABB Lummus Global Inc. – a manufacturer of electrical and industrial equipment and machinery, particularly for the petrochemical industry. For many decades, ABB relied on asbestos to manufacture its products, parts and equipment, and primarily components for industrial plants.

Parts created by ABB Lummus Global Inc. that contained asbestos include:

  • AC cables
  • Electrical systems
  • Feedwater heaters
  • Gas-insulated switch gears
  • Gaskets
  • Generators
  • Steam turbines
  • Transformers
  • Valves
  • Wire insulation

Asbestos was a popular choice for industrial uses due to its natural ability to resist heat, friction, chemicals and corrosion. By 2005, ABB and its subsidiary, Combustion Engineering, faced more than 135,000 asbestos-related lawsuits. Litigation against the company ultimately led to a filing for bankruptcy in 2006 to protect it from future lawsuits. The ABB Lummus Global Inc. 524(g) Asbestos PI Trust was established as a result of this bankruptcy. Its purpose is to process and pay valid asbestos personal injury claims associated with its products.

Types of Compensation Available From the ABB Lummus Global Inc. Trust

Many companies that manufactured asbestos-containing products before it became regulated set up asbestos trust funds after declaring bankruptcy. These funds allow future victims to continue to hold companies responsible for their losses despite the company closing its doors. Victims of asbestos exposure may be eligible for financial compensation for their injuries, illnesses and all related losses through an asbestos trust fund.

Available compensation from a trust could cover:

  • Medical bills
  • Disability
  • Lost wages
  • Pain and suffering
  • Death benefits

The potential value of an asbestos trust fund claim will depend on the individual’s circumstances and the schedule values established by the individual trust. The current payment percentage of the ABB Lummus Global Inc. Trust (a way to limit a claimant’s payout to ensure future claims can be paid) is 10 percent of the claim value. The trust was originally funded with $33 million from ABB, of which approximately $15 million remained as of 2022.

Who Can File a Claim With the ABB Lummus Global Inc. Trust?

Any individual who was exposed to asbestos through an ABB Lummus Global Inc. product and suffered a related injury may be eligible for compensation through the company’s asbestos trust. Most claimants are former employees of ABB Lummus Global Inc. or one of its subsidiary companies.

Eligible claimants may include:

  • Construction workers
  • Engineers
  • Factory workers
  • Industrial plant workers
  • Machinists
  • Metalworkers
  • Paper mill operators
  • Plant workers
  • Public utility workers
  • Railway workers
  • Shipyard workers
  • U.S. Military members

The family members of people who worked at an ABB facility could also be at risk of developing mesothelioma due to secondary exposure. This occurs when asbestos fibers are carried home on a worker’s clothing, shoes or hair.

How to File an Asbestos Trust Fund Claim With ABB Lummus Global Inc.

To file a claim with the ABB Lummus Global Inc. 524(g) Asbestos PI Trust, you or your mesothelioma attorney must complete a Claim Form and submit it with the required supporting documentation.

The paperwork can be submitted electronically, by mail or by email in Excel format to the following:

  • ABB Lummus Global Inc. 524(g) Asbestos PI Trust c/o Verus Claims Services, LLC
    3967 Princeton Pike
    Princeton, NJ 08540
  • Telephone: (609) 466-0427
    Fax: (609) 466-1449
  • Email: [email protected]

The trust asks that every effort be made to submit the Claim Form and required supporting documentation at the same time. Supporting documents must show that the claimant is suffering from one of the Disease Levels established by the trust and was exposed to a product manufactured by ABB Lummus Global Inc.

Supporting documents may include:

  • A medical report from the diagnosing physician
  • A death certificate, if applicable
  • Employment history (for occupational exposure claims)
  • Product exposure history (for nonoccupational exposure claims)

Individuals who have been diagnosed with mesothelioma, lung cancer, asbestosis, a pleural disease or another asbestos-related disease may be eligible for compensation from the ABB Lummus Global Inc. PI Trust. An attorney at Bailey & Glasser, LLP can help you collect evidence to support your asbestos trust fund claim as a victim or surviving relative.

Consult With an Asbestos Trust Fund Attorney Today

If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with malignant mesothelioma after working at a facility operated by ABB Lummus Global Inc. or one of the hundreds of industrial plants that used this company’s equipment, you may be eligible for financial compensation from the ABB trust. The asbestos attorneys at Bailey & Glasser, LLP can help you understand your legal rights and take advantage of all outlets for financial compensation available to you.

We care about our clients and have a long history of representing victims of asbestos exposure. Contact us online or call (866) 871-7971 today to request a free case consultation about a potential ABB Lummus Global Inc. Asbestos Personal Injury Trust claim.