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New Hampshire Mesothelioma Lawyer

If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with mesothelioma, legal action may be available. Bringing a claim or lawsuit against someone for exposure to asbestos could give you the closure and financial compensation that you need to move forward. At Bailey & Glasser, LLP, our lawyers can connect you to resources and information about mesothelioma, as well as help you exercise your legal rights. We are trusted asbestos and mesothelioma attorneys for clients in New Hampshire and across the country.

Why Choose Us?

  • Our lawyers have been successfully representing clients since our law firm’s foundation in 1999. In that time, we have secured billions of dollars in settlements and verdicts for asbestos and mesothelioma clients around the nation.
  • We will put your needs first. Throughout your case, we will work closely with you and make sure you have everything you need. We will answer your legal questions, hire qualified experts to testify during your case and guide you through the legal process from start to finish.
  • We have a trial-focused approach to litigation that allows us to aggressively protect the rights of our clients. We will advocate for your best interests in and out of the courtroom, going up against any defendant or corporation on your behalf.

What Is Mesothelioma?

Mesothelioma is a fatal type of cancer that is caused by exposure to asbestos. Asbestos is a group of naturally occurring minerals. Manufacturers widely used asbestos in their products for decades due to its natural ability to resist heat and corrosion. Asbestos was used in hundreds of products, including many building and construction materials. Examples include insulation, drywall, cement, mortar, roofing and flooring tiles, adhesives, paints, and spray-on textures.

Asbestos was present in many products manufactured from the late 1800s until the 1990s. It was not regulated until the International Agency for Research on Cancer announced that its research confirmed that all six types of asbestos were carcinogenic, meaning they can cause cancer in humans. At this point, federal organizations such as the Environmental Protection Agency began passing laws and regulations concerning the use of asbestos to protect the public.

Unfortunately, federal regulations came too late for millions of people who had already been exposed to asbestos. The National Cancer Institute states that just one instance of asbestos exposure could potentially cause mesothelioma and a range of other adverse health effects, including chronic lung diseases and lung cancer. Asbestos can cause these illnesses by getting lodged inside the body, where minuscule particles can cause irritation, inflammation, and a buildup of scar tissue that can eventually result in cancer.

New Hampshire Mesothelioma Statistics

Mesothelioma is relatively rare, but it is deadly for all who are diagnosed. From 2015 to 2019, 86 new cases of mesothelioma and 65 deaths occurred in New Hampshire, according to data collected by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). In 2019 alone, there were 12 new cases and 10 mesothelioma deaths in the state.

New Hampshire was number 38 on the list of states in terms of mesothelioma cases within the study period. Only two counties had high enough rates to be included in the CDC’s data: Rockingham and Hillsborough. Rockingham County had 27 new mesothelioma cases and 22 deaths from 2015 to 2019, while Hillsborough County had 22 new cases and 16 consultation with a mesothelioma attorney in new hampshire

Who Is Most at Risk of Being Exposed to Asbestos in New Hampshire?

Asbestos exposure risk is typically tied to the use of asbestos-containing products and materials. While no amount of asbestos exposure is safe, the people who are most at risk of being diagnosed with diseases associated with asbestos are those who are around it regularly (on more than one occasion). This can include people who live or work in buildings that contain asbestos.

Certain occupations put workers more at risk of being exposed to asbestos than others. These include:

  • Armed Forces
  • Asbestos abatement
  • Construction
  • Demolition
  • Electric work
  • Firefighting or first response
  • HVAC
  • Manufacturing
  • Power plants
  • Shipbuilding

Harmful exposure to asbestos is most likely to occur when asbestos-containing materials are damaged or disturbed. This can send microscopic asbestos fibers into the air, where they may be inhaled or ingested by people in the area. This is what makes jobs in construction, renovation, and disaster response especially dangerous in terms of mesothelioma risk. These workers may be present at work sites where asbestos dust enters the air and environment.

Seeking Compensation for Mesothelioma

An individual who has been diagnosed with mesothelioma, lung cancer, or another serious illness related to exposure to asbestos could be eligible for financial compensation. Mesothelioma can often be prevented by identifying and avoiding foreseeable asbestos exposure risks. In a job that potentially places workers in contact with asbestos, for example, employers should provide personal protective equipment such as respirators. The negligent failure to prevent exposure to asbestos could make a person or party liable for a victim’s mesothelioma.


Liability means legal and financial responsibility. If someone is held liable for mesothelioma, it means that person or party is responsible for paying for harm suffered by the victim. A successful mesothelioma lawsuit or claim could pay a victim for related necessary medical care, lost wages, lost future capacity to earn, pain and suffering, emotional distress, and wrongful death. To learn about your potential legal options, contact an attorney at Bailey & Glasser, LLP.

Statute of Limitations for Filing a Mesothelioma Lawsuit

A statute of limitations is a legal time limit. Every state imposes different statutes of limitations on civil claims. If you wish to file a personal injury lawsuit for mesothelioma in New Hampshire, you only have three years from the date of your diagnosis to do so. If you are filing a wrongful death lawsuit for the loss of a loved one to mesothelioma, you have three years from the date of death to file. Act quickly to avoid missing your deadline and being barred from pursuing compensation.

Contact Us to Discuss a Potential Mesothelioma Lawsuit in New Hampshire

At Bailey & Glasser, LLP, we know what it means to be diagnosed with mesothelioma. We understand the immense physical, emotional, and financial toll this diagnosis has on victims and their families. Our attorneys are here to help. We offer legal advice, counsel, resources, and information about mesothelioma during this difficult time. Find out how our mesothelioma attorneys can help you during a free, no-obligation case consultation. Call (866) 871-7971 or contact us online today.